Ah, that's very interesting!

Created by Andrew 5 years ago

Like many of the stories here, mine starts with an outdoor Marco.  Marco's default mode was outdoor Marco, so this is not surprising.  Marco was friends with my roommate and buddy Mike, and they took me along on a hiking trip.   Much of the trip was filled with one of my favorite things: talking about physics and time! I have a distinct memory of ascending a steep rocky incline, panting and out of breath, while Marco and I continued to argue about weather or not the past and the future exist as real things (they do! he was totally convinced too believe you me! :) ) 

Marco had a special way of conversing that I've not experienced with anyone else.  Talking with Marco, you felt like you were involved in some kind of kind hearted socratic dialogue.  If he thought you were wrong about something, he'd let you know by saying "ah, that's very interesting!".

I heard about Marco's death while I was visiting Mike in Cologne.  We read all the articles, and called our friends.  We shared some moments of intense sadness. When those lasted too long, we did what Marco would have done: rode bikes and played ping pong.

Marco moved out of NYC a few years ago, so I didn't see him often anymore.  But there was always this looming potential for crazy adventures and deep conversations.  It's hard to believe that he's gone and that won't happen.  I still expect a call from him to plan our next canoe trip, or randomly pop by for a chess game / bread baking session.  I wish I had spent more time with him.  There was always more time in the future (that exists for real!).

He was a beautiful human being, filled with intelligence and wit and kindness and ideals.  There aren't many people like him.  I miss him.

My pictures and videos of Marco are here: https://www.flickr.com/search/?user_id=23988820%40N00&sort=date-taken-desc&text=%22Marco%20Dees%22&view_all=1

-Andrew Otto

